Peter Bruce
- Artwork
- Biography

Peter Bruce was born in Annan in the South West of Scotland and moved with his family to Naivasha, Kenya at the age of six. His father, being a Vet, and living on a Ranch in Kenya's Rift Valley, soon stimulated his interest in wildlife. By the time Peter was ten his interest in painting had taken a firm hold and he was always sketching or painting the African wildlife. At the age of fourteen he won first prize at the Royal Nairobi Show for a painting of a Kudu bull. His award winning art work started to be exhibited regularly during his school career. As well as painting professional since the early 1980;s, he was also the manager of a 120,000 acre private game reserve in Namibia, where he had the opportunity to work, as well as hand-raise many species of wildlife. Because of his unique experiences and diverse talents, people often commission him to create one of a kind paintings to commemorate their Safari experience. The mediums he prefers are oils, goache, pastel and pencil and his work is described as realism, as evidenced by the amount of detail in his paintings.