Kitty Dudics
- Artwork
- Biography
Kitty's artwork is expressive of the ever-changing forms she observes in nature. She unveils patterns in nature whether found in a plant, animal, or water form. Textiles also inform her work with the rhythm of their colorful and lively patterns. The emotional content of color is important in her work as she explores its luminosity, contrast and range in the landscape as well as in abstract forms of nature.
Meditation, joy and sanctuary spaces influence her subject matter. She seeks to express the serenity we all need to balance our hectic , technical lives.One of her greatest influences is Matisse who said, " What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter...a soothing, calming influence on the mind."
Kitty earned a BFA in Art from UT Austin and a Master of Fine Arts at UT San Antonio. Kitty taught part time at Laredo Junior College, Laredo, Texas before she taught painting full time at Del Mar College, Corpus Christ, Tx for 34 years. Her work was included in many private and public collections , including the Art Museum of S Texas, UT San Antonio and the Corpus Christi Regional Transit Authority. Kitty was one of the artists chosen by Texas Monthly Online Magazine in April of 2017 in "The Top Ten Artists in Texas To Collect." She shows her work at the Wilhelmi Gallery in Corpus Christi, and at the Felder Gallery in San Antonio.